Saturday, June 11, 2011

NYC Summer Heat Wave Hot List #1

Due to the fact that practically everyone I talk to ensures me that the intense heat of the past few days is not usual for June but is for July and August, you get this:

1. I saw three kids playing in water from a fire hydrant. Four thoughts:
        I thought this only happened in movies about NYC in the '50s;
        I guess that's what you do when you don't have lawn sprinklers;
        I'm pretty positive that messing with a fire hydrant is illegal;
        I wish I were that young again so I would not have to pay rent.

2. What makes tights wonderful in winter (keeps you warm) also makes them terrible in a heat wave (makes you sweat like you're fighting Mike Tyson).

3. All those psychologists that claim children do not play outside anymore because of video games clearly never walked though Harlem in a heat wave, because it is way too damn hot to be inside.

4. I don't know which would be worse: chub-rub, or the god-forsaken-tights.

5. One word for people out running in central park during the heat wave: masochist.

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