Friday, July 8, 2011

Fashion in the City

What you wear and how you wear it in the city- is a big deal. People live and die for it. They blog about it, refuse to eat for it, neglect to pay their rent for it. That being said;

As much as I love Lanvin for their daring use of fabric, they should have never designed for H&M as this is clearly a disaster. This dress is universally unflattering.

And this...

Is my two sizes two small version of:

Monday, July 4, 2011

Tiff and I Talk About Independence Day

This is to the best of my recollection:

Tiff: So, are you going to see the fireworks?

Me: No, why would I when I am pretty sure we are going to see the neighborhood ones across the street (they have been going off sporadically through out the past week)?

Tiff: Oh because that is the same as a professional display.

Me: Well no but I have decided to stay away from overcrowded public events unless I really want to go like thisconcertincentralparkinaugustthatiamprettysureiwillhavetoarriveat8for....

Tiff: There are people the roof over there. I want to go on the roof.

Me: (looking out the living room window at them) Well, we can always just hollar at them and ask.

Tiff: You do it.

Me: HEY! YOU ON THE ROOF! YES YOU! LOOK DOWN HERE! APT **!!! HOW DID YOU GET UP THERE?! (to Tiff) I can totally hear my voice echo and that girl looked; I'm fairly certain they are ignoring us.

Tiff: Do it again.

Me: You do.

Tiff: HEY! ON THE ROOF! (man looks this time) They are definitely ignoring us.

Me: They are just a bunch of beer-drinking-hipsters.

Tiff: They are definitely beer-drinking-hipsters.

Damn you hipsters for ruining my 4th. I just wanted to know how to get on the roof. This is a tribute to all you PBR drinking heathens.